About Us
Community Drum Circle Serving The Greater Los Angeles, Northern California Bay, Southern California Bay Areas and Internationally
- Able to facilitate bi-lingual ( Spanish / English) events.
- Building the spirit of diverse communities through rhythm activities for people of all backgrounds, all ages, skill levels and abilities.
- Invigorating and igniting the natural passion for life through rhythm.
- Create a safe and inclusive environment for participants to connection with others one drumbeat at a time.
- To build trust and social courage to share compassion and a better understanding within the hearts of all participants through interactive and inclusive rhythmical experiences.
- Foster positive and productive social connection in workplaces, schools, communities regardless of social economics and social inequalities.
Our Vision
We share our vision of building the spirit of community, school, university, workplace, corporation through entertainment and rhythm ical drumming experiences. These activities are interactive, inclusive, empowering and transformational rhythm experiences.Able to facilitate bi-lingual ( Spanish / English) events.
- To continue to empower communities through the rhythm arts.
- Continue to raise awesomeness of the health benefits of group drumming and how it can enhance people’s lives.
- Encourage participants to explore and discover their full potential through inspirational rhythm experiences.
- Continue to educate and create opportunities for people through classes, performances, community events and weekly drum circles all populations all ability all challenge all skill levels.
- To Serve the community by providing quality and engaging rhythm event that are tailored to the needs of the client’s needs.